[Korea]2022 Ghost Doctor 幽靈醫生 고스트닥터

演員: 鄭智薰 (Rain) 金汎 U-IE 孫娜恩 成東鎰

講述生活背景、個性、脾氣截然不同的兩位醫生,因一次意外導致彼此的靈魂與身體結合在一起, 並且跟在過世後仍然逗留在醫院不肯離開的患者們發生的奇幻醫療劇。

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Morning ET,

Thanks for this.


Mr. Red

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anyone know how many epos for this? i know Korean version is 16.
Expecting 24 episodes for the Chinese ViuTV version.

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g24end.torrent  (282 downloads)
Good morning ET,

Thanks for this show.


Mr. Red
I was wondering if anyone can upload episode 22 again because the one I have is only half of the episode.
[quote=Johan]I was wondering if anyone can upload episode 22 again because the one I have is only half of the episode.[/quote]

I found a streaming episode you can skip my request. Thank you
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